

Using only highly experienced and trusted tradesmen for everything from plan and design, plumbing and electrical work, and building and construction, Lindley Developments can handle your entire extension project from start to finish.

Whether it’s a spacious new kitchen, sun room or an extra bedroom, our helpful and friendly team can help you plan and build a new extension that could revolutionise the way you work, rest or play.

Did you know that in many instances home extensions that fit certain criteria need absolutely no planning permission?

Under “permitted development rights” that have been issued by Parliament, it is perfectly acceptable, to complete your project in a quicker time frame, thanks to a cut back in unnecessary rules and regulations.

Lindley Developments will not require planning permission if it fits within the boundaries listed below and our team of highly experienced professionals will go that extra mile to ensure this potential problem is never an issue.

  • For a single storey extension, you can typically build a 200 sq ft extension on a semi-detached or terraced house. If the house is detached this can be increased to 300 sq ft.
  • Extensions that are more than one storey can also be allowed, but additional conditions may be relevant.
  • Additional conditions and limits largely relate to the location of boundaries and the height of the extension.
  • New extensions must not exceed 50% of the total area of land of the original land.